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Chairman Message


Chairman Message


BHTC's greatest asset is its employees, ranging in experience from Roustabout to the top line Project Manager, each with the training and motivation to fulfill the company's goals:

Safety, Compliance and Customer Satisfaction.

We know how to get the job done safely and compliantly.

We also know that to do it correctly, each employee must have the authority to make things happen.

At BHTC, our employees are given the opportunity to put their knowledge to work.

Our commitment to safety is indisputable. We believe if a job is done safely and in compliance with the international standards, the result is satisfactory.

We tailor our services to meet that client’s individual needs.

We provide our services in many fields like: Construction, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Water Well Drilling, Equipment Leasing, Transportation, Seismic Survey Procurement & Logistics, Visa, Flight and Hotel Reservation, Manpower Services and Catering Services.

BHTC provides these services to companies, especially those working in the oil and gas industry, with the focus of meeting our client’s needs with the utmost safety and prudence. We provide dependable equipment and personnel with extensive experience to fulfill oil and gas exploration and production. We collaborate with major international companies in Yemen for Construction, Procurement, Logistics, Engineering, Survey, Pipelines, Maintenance, and Repair fields.

We have a lot of sites and facilities and offices in all areas of our business.

As we have the ability to create many of them as needed.

Naji Bin Hian
BHTC Chairman & Managing Director

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